Dutch company register with Set Up Your Dutch Company

Dutch company register with Set Up Your Dutch Company: please read this article if you want to know more!
A Dutch company register can be somewhat complicated, especially if you are unknown with Dutch laws. Also, you might want to spend your precious time while in the Netherlands as best as possible. Of course, you want to connect with people and get comfortable with the customs of a new country. Therefore, Set Up Your Dutch Company has set up many services that will help with your Dutch company register. This company is specialized in setting up and registering companies and businesses in Holland. Are you wondering what services and specialists Set Up Your Dutch Company has to offer? Then please do read along as we will explain this in full detail for you.
Services for Dutch company register
There are various services that are offered to help you with a Dutch company register. In most cases, when registering a Dutch company, it is opted to set up a BV. A BV, or Besloten Vennootschap in full, is basically a private company. The reasons for this being:
- The deposit for a BV ranges from €0,01 to an infinite maximum deposit.
- With a BV it does not matter whether you have one shareholder or multiple.
- The shareholder or shareholders can be one or more person(s) and, or companies.
- A director is necessary within the company, however you are not bounded to a person that is active within the company or is living in the Netherlands.
- The shareholder or shareholders are not deemed responsible for the debts that may occur with the private company.
- Also at a later stage it is possible to appoint other or different shareholders.
- The shares of a BV are easy to sell at any point in time.
Once you have indeed chosen to set up a company, perhaps a BV, you can start the process of Dutch company register. Through the use of Set Up Your Dutch Company you can get personal assistance, help with branch registration, services in relation to setting up a Dutch business bank account, obtaining a VAT number and/or an EORI number, help of accountancy experts and specialists in setting up a business plan.
Dutch company register within five days
Perhaps one of the things that Set Up Your Dutch Company makes so special has to do with the fact that they can already set up a company in the Netherlands within five working days. Not only that, but they offer specialists in different areas. They have notaries, accounts, tax specialists and even more.
Set up your Dutch company now
You can contact this business at any time through various ways. You can give them a call, send them an email or fill out the contact form. They are more than happy to help with your Dutch company register or give you more information on the services that are offered by them. You can find more information about the various ways you can contact them, by clicking on the following link: https://setupyourdutchcompany.com/contact-us/. Go ahead and start the process of your Dutch company register.